The main two types of clients who use the signs of the lawn are politicians during their election campaigns, and real estate companies.
There is a misbelief that the use of lawn signs does not benefit politicians who nominate themselves for political voting. However, this can be argued. Advertising impact analysts have done research. They found that election lawn signs that are set on lawns are really effective. They help to increase the number of votes for whose advertisement is placed on lawn signs. In addition, their effect extends to neighboring areas. As a result of the research, a well-founded conclusion can be drawn. Lawn advertising signs give a good result.
If we talk about those who are engaged in business in the field of real estate, then they constantly use such signs. Realtors have rated the effectiveness of real estate lawn signs. If this is a lightweight version with wire stakes, then it is very difficult for them to find an effective replacement. It is always convenient to put a sign with a wire base near the property that is for sale. If necessary, the sign is just as easy and simple to remove, put next to another scrap, which is for sale.
In addition, lawn signs banners are often ordered by companies selling land. In this case, these signs are placed so that they can be seen by both passers-by and drivers.
Lawn signs are also in demand for landscape companies. What could be better advertising than a similar sign if it is installed opposite a beautiful garden? And on this sign are the contacts of the professional gardener who created this landscape.
In addition, marketing agencies use lawn signs for various purposes and use in various promotions.
Security companies using lawn signs warn potential ill-wishers that this facility is under protection. This lawn sign is not only advertising, but also a good way to deter criminals.
General contractors and construction companies, use such 4-by-8-foot signs for information on zoning changes for a given site.
Lawn Signs: Product Features
In the vast majority of cases, 4 mm coroplast is used as the basis material for the manufacture of lawn signs. That is what provides the main feature of this type of signage – their low cost with quite acceptable quality, brightness, and visibility on the street.
A high-quality vinyl film with a pre-applied image is rolled onto a coroplast base.
The finished product weighs 1.87 pounds per square foot
Printing method: Eco solvent four colours. Print is weather resistant.
For short-term actions lasting up to 6 months, you can safely use lawn signs design without additional lamination. Lawn signs are quite enough to conduct an advertising campaign for a political leader, to make a congratulatory event for the newlyweds, or to announce a backyard sale.
Subject to lamination and proper care, the shelf life is more than 2 years.
The choice of material depends on the capabilities of the customer. Some people want to make Lawn Signs from expensive materials, but in the end, the costs are completely unjustified. Inexpensive materials, which as a result allow you to make more affordable products, do an excellent job of fulfilling their basic functions.
It is important that the quality of products are made for advertising purposes. The same ink for printing should be selected especially carefully to ensure the brightness and clarity of the applied images and labels. The technical specifications of the equipment used is equally important. In addition, in order to achieve the desired quality, you should make an order with specialists with experience in manufacturing advertising structures. With a responsible approach to the manufacturing process and using high-quality materials in compliance with the rules of manufacturing technology, you can ensure that Lawn Signs will be what the customer expects.
Lawn Signs – where to order
Lawn Signs must be ordered from a reliable company. The company must have:
- Special equipment;
- Quality materials;
- Experience in the production of Lawn Signs;
- Ability to help with design development.
If you apply for a Lawn Signs manufacturing service, pay attention to the cost of the products. Modern companies often offer inflated prices for the production of Lawn Signs. Why? A common reason is the purchase of expensive materials. But today there is an opportunity to find a supplier who will offer quality materials at an acceptable cost. As a result, the price of the finished product will be pleasant for the client. Many companies are reluctant to do the job of finding great deals. As a result, Lawn Signs prices are very high.
Important! The activity of the manufacturer should be focused on the wishes of the customers. It’s not just about product prices. The client must get what he wants. When disputable issues arise, it is necessary to find solutions. It is necessary to coordinate with the client all the features of the product.
Experience in the production of Lawn Signs is very important. Experienced specialists will be able to manufacture quality products in compliance with all technological requirements. They will not forget about the wishes of the client. The items will be produced exactly at the agreed time. The client will receive his order on time. The manufacturer will complete the production of Lawn Signs without delay.
A reliable company is the right choice! You can order Lawn Signs and get quality products. They will make products for you that you like. The ordered products will be able to fulfill your tasks. It will be guaranteed to grab attention and serve your goals!